Monday, 2 January 2017



How to get customers?? The single hardest point to master in any business and even more so in a small to medium size service based business.

There are a few tried and true ways that have been done for years and the reason they have been done for years is because they WORK. I am going to list 5 methods i would do and i will list them in the order to do them.

1st - Jump on and pay $5 bucks to get your logo designed up professionally, Once you have your logo go to and get 2000 business cards designed with your new logo and printed and sent to you, This cost me around $150.00 shipping included. Now you have your new business cards with your new logo. Now walk out your front door with them in hand and start walking the streets in your neighborhood and knock on every door and introduce yourself to every neighbor in a 1 mile / 1.6km of your own house. Now your not knocking on the door to sell your service your knocking on the door to introduce your service to them. You will be surprised how many will ask you for a quote than and there so be prepared for that. I have found this is a great and very cheap way to get your name out there and very very good way to pick up work, every time i do it i average 2 house wash jobs for my house washing business every hour i am out doing it. I have a video explaining this on my you tube channel. You can watch the video below.

2nd The next thing i would go and do is join a business networking group, I joined one called BNI (business network international) and you meet one morning a week at a cafe or restaurant and you meet other business owner, It costs me around $10 a week. Its the single best way i know to get commercial work from business owners and the whole reason people go is to refer other business in the hope they refer work back to you so its a win win for everyone.

3rd This next step is very important, Open up a Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr account and post on them regular, I post on my Facebook page everyday and twice a week on the rest, I also recommend that you get everyone you know and everyone they know to like and share your page, You need to build a decent audience and you will soon see people making contact for quote's. This step will help the next step.

4th This step is the only step that will cost any real amount of money. Get a website built. I recommend using someone who uses wordpress as you can make changes to it easily down the track and a lot of the in-depth SEO for the website has already been done by them. My website cost me around about $1000 to get built and its working very well for me. I get a few quote request daily from it so its making great money for us. Now you have a website you need to try and get it ranked on google so people can actually see the website. A good hack to get up on the google ranking can be found in the below video.

5th The final thing i would do is to ensure that every job you do you go above and beyond what the client was expecting so they are so very happy with the job you have done that they are more than happy to give you a review on your Facebook page or your google page. You also want to try and rebook a job for next years clean than and there. If you can do that than next year will be booked out before it even arrives. Remember if these people are happy they will refer you to friends and family.

These are 5 basic steps i would take to get customers for your new service business.

Any question happy to answer them.


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